EOY Countdown
1 week more to exam! This is the first time in my whole i felt nervous for exam, I never felt nervous in PSLE...
I am like so weak in Eng,Math and etc subjects. Ah!!!! what am I going to do??? Revise more? Pay more attention?
Forget it, I really hope I can promote to SEC 2 EXP!!!!
I mc for 2 days, missed a lot of things! Miss Oral communication presentation! And now I have to do solo,WTH! Also missed eng test and sci test! But the great thing is I missed Wushu! =D
Yesterday, my class go pick litter on East Coast Park. While we were waiting we played with sand! So Fun! Then we played wacko. After that go pick litters...
I am like so weak in Eng,Math and etc subjects. Ah!!!! what am I going to do??? Revise more? Pay more attention?
Forget it, I really hope I can promote to SEC 2 EXP!!!!
I mc for 2 days, missed a lot of things! Miss Oral communication presentation! And now I have to do solo,WTH! Also missed eng test and sci test! But the great thing is I missed Wushu! =D
Yesterday, my class go pick litter on East Coast Park. While we were waiting we played with sand! So Fun! Then we played wacko. After that go pick litters...
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